Flooring which leaves its mark: Tiger Wood parquet

Are you sure tigers don't exist in South America? Perhaps the continent is not roamed by specimens of this proud feline, however it is home to a type of wood whose surface unequivocally reminds us of its markings. Tiger Wood from Brazil presents fascinating warm tones which tend towards orange, streaked with clear-cut and irregular dark brown patches, reminiscent of a tiger's coat. Tiger Wood exudes strength and power, not only in virtue of its appearance: it is a wood for everyday living, its supreme resistance makes it suitable for any home interior.

lavorazione tigerwood

Tiger Wood: all the force and pride of a tiger, in flooring

Exotic even in its name, Tiger Wood is also known as Gonçalo Alves which alludes to Portuguese influence in Brazilian territories where this fine wood grows and develops its virtuous veining. Tiger Wood is obtained from Astronium Fraxinifolium and Astronium Graveolens, which provide a strong and robust wood, particularly resistant to wear. Colour, quantity and the intensity of veining varies from tree to tree: just like a tiger's coat, each Tiger Wood tree yields a unique pattern, perfect for creating flooring which exudes unique aesthetics.

A parquet featuring exotic patterns and strong contrasts

Tiger Wood confers an exotic atmosphere upon any interior, engaging in plays of light, fearlessly attracting attention to itself. It is a fine and exceptionally resistant wood and is selected mostly for modern style interiors, while being equally capable of conferring strength and vigour upon classical style interiors too. Tiger Wood engages in a dialogue with interiors, creating colour dynamisms characterised by strong contrasts which confer warmth. As with other woods with a distinctive personality, Tiger Wood also interacts with the interior. Once it has been cut and comes into contact with air and light, it undergoes a process of evolution towards darker tonalities, according to the desire and ability of professionals, who freeze this evolution at the perfect moment, resulting in perfect shades to admire over time.

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